Clairemont Villas # 4
CLAIREMONT VILLAS # 4.tif CLAIRMONT VILLAS #4 DO 3 2.Z-8-oo s 2..c./c/-17 I J Lot 275- AGREEMENT to Murray S. & Margaret Barton to erect 21' x 20' den addn to exist sin fam res & to install wet bar in said den addn at 5051 Artesion St., Zone R-1-5, A-1651 8-26-70_____________ t:!~8'-'-1___ 5'____ 3___ Lot 255- Pennlt to WILLIAM & EDA LUCAS; DENIED as requested by ZA to construct a second floor guest house addition on top of an existing garage attached to a one-story, single- family dwelling but APPROVED with removal of bar sink, at 5052 Artesia Zone Rl-5 CJ6689 4/30/80 18