Clairemont Villas # 6 Card 2
CLAIREMONT VILLAS # 6 CARD 2.tif CLAIREHONT VILLAS No: 6 OD 3.51//-6Q.5,,2.f{c/-J7// ~ Lots 375 & 376- Permit to Mr. Ross G. Tharp, Vice President Clairemont Shipping Center Inc. to (amended req) const 30-unit apt complex, developing the RC-IA por with one park- ing space for each dwell, resulting in bldg area one-fifth greater than the usable auto parking area (where it is req that the bldg area shall be not greater than one-third the usable auto parking area), at NW corner Diane Ave. & Conrad Ave., Zone R-4 (375), RC-IA 076) RC-IA, condl. Case No. 7612 3/25/66 Lot 350- Permit DENIED to Robert D. & Judith Lyon to maintain approx 45 of cedar fence 6' nigh obs a 6 1 setback on Amnest St, wnere a max 3' nign fence is permitted in a 15' estab SB, at 4815 Conrad Ave- SW cor of Conrad Ave and Amnest St, Zone R-1-5. C-11530 N.H. 9-28-72 APPEALED- Appeal DENIED as submitted, but APPROVED for a 6 1 high solid fence obs a 10' SB from Amnest St.and the decision of the Z.A. be, and hereby is, overruled. c-11530 11-21-12---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 358- Permit DENIED to Wolfgang B. llrunsch to erect approx 160 sq. ft. of chain link fence 4 ft. high obs o SB on Amnest St. and O' SB on Conrad Ave. where a max 3 ft. high fence is perm in a 15 ft. estab SB and a 10 ft. estab SB on street side where there,~~-.# vehicular access to premises through that street, at 4830 Conrad Ave, Northeast cor~ve: and Amnest St, Zone R-1-5, C-12,077 N.H. 7-19-73 APPEALED TO BOARD- Appeal DENIED as submitted, and hereby is, sustained and affirmed. C-12,077 N.H. 9-18-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~I