Clairemont Villas # 6 Card 3
CLAIREMONT VILLAS # 6 CARD 3.tif CLAIREMONT VILLAS NO. 6 Lots 375-376- The Z.A. considered the request of Windsor Associates to maintain three ground signs totalling 92 sq. ft , overall ht of one sign- 5 ' and two signs- 5' where only one ground sign is penn and the total face area of all wall and free-standing signs on premises if 20 sq. ft.; sign on corner of Diane and Conrad obs 5' SB, sign on corner of Conrad and alley observes at closest point a 3' SB, and sign at corner of Diane and alley obs at closest pt. a 5' SB where lO' is estab., at 4740 Conrad betw Diane Ave. and Cadet St., Zone R-3, has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 20 sq. ft. sign on the corner of Diane and Conrad and a 3 sq. ft, nameplate sign at each alley entrance. c-12869 11-22-74 Lots 345 & 346- Permit to Hikmat Jabro to const a 8.5' x 53' and a 10 1 811 x 8 1 611 addn to exs commercial bldg (I) addn to obs 6.5 1 rear yd and (2) to provide 21 pking spaces at 4935 Diane Avenue. CN Zone. DENIED request. C-14332. 6-7-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2..