Clearview Manor Card 2
CLEARVIEW MANOR CARD 2.tif Clearview Manor rozg 1 t,-oo ~: <.J:> b-17'/3 Card 2 Lot 115- Permit DENIED to Calvin G & Arlene Brown to const 6 1 fence with 5' SB on. Laurel & Balsa Sts. Rs. No. 8389 8/4/54 Lot 29- Permit GRANTED to Willard W. & Marie A. Anthony to erect 41 '3" of six-ft. high fence in SB area, at 5204 Oak Park Dr., R-1, with 2-ft. SB from property 1 ine or 5' in from sidewalk; but DENIEDa zero SB. Case #1132 4/22/57 Lot 33- Permit to Carl & Lucille Kuey to const family rm add. & enlarge kitbhen at rear of exist sin fam res, add to obs. 15' rear yd (20'req.) 5227 Oak Park Dr, R-1 zone Case #3100 2/12/60 Lot 112- Z.A. considered appl of Donald & Teresa Kidwell to constr 18 1 x 27' fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 13' rear yd where 20' is req at 2315 Balsa St. betw Laurel & Kalmia Ste., Zone R-l-5 and has DENIED as req but APPROVED addn to obs 16' rear yd. C-9384 7-25-69 APPEALED- DENIED, Z.A. decision sustained & affirmed. C-9384 9-18-69--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 119- Permit to Jess A. & Helen Arellano to maint arecreation room addn to exist sin fam. dwell; addn obs a 14 18" rear yd where 20' is req at 2328 54th St. betw Pirotte Dr. & Laurel St., Zone R-1-5, condl C-9560 11-3-69 31