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Development Services

Cleveland Heights Block 12 Card 4

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 12 CARD 4.tif CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 12 ~/ s ~/D/7~~ /a- Lots 18, 19 and 20 (except westerly 65' of Lot 20)- Permit to Robert K. Burkett to const five-story, 27-unit condominium: (1) to obs 15' front yard where 24' (9' street widening ordinance) is req; (2) res in 51% lot coverage; (3) to have 12 of the req 38 parking spaces 81 611 x 15' in size; (4) to erect 6 1 high wall obs a 15' front yard; (5) to obs a 10 1 interior side yard. 3650 First Avenue. Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-15436. 10-30-78. Lots 13, 14, 15, except the easterly 50' of Lots 15- Permit to H. DOUGLAS AND HELEN T. ENGELHORN, owner of east 50' of Lots 13 and 14 and COTTONWOOD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, purchaser; COTTONWOOD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, owner of west 90 1 of Lots 13, 14 and 15- To construct a seven-story, 24-unit condominium building to observe (1) a 9'-4'' interior yard at the closest point where 19' is required; (2) a 21.5' rear yard where 30' is required; (3) result in 54% lot coverage where a maximum 40% is permitted for seven- story buildings; (4) provide 37 off-street parking spaces where 38 spaces are required, and (5) Hillside Review Permit required for grading in the Hillside Review Overlay Zone, at First Avenue and W. Brookes, Zone R-3A (HR). C-17839 WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT March 4, 1983 Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, and south 7'-0" of Lot 22 (proposed Lot 2 of T.M. #820533)- Permit APPROVED by ZA to OGAMI, U.S.A., a General Partnership, ROBERT K. and YUKO 0. BURKETT and GORDON W. PARKMAN, owners; ROBERT K. AND YUKO O. BURKETT (AS TO PORTION OWNED BY GORDON W. PARKMAN), purchaser, to construct a four-story apartment building: (1) ob- serving 15 1-0" front yard where 24'-0" Is required (street widening setback requirement of 9 1-0"); (2) 7'-0" interior yards where I0'-0" is required; and (3) Hillside Review Overlay Zone, and requires approval, located at 3650 First Avenue, Zone R-3A/HR. Conditions. C-18223 10-28-83