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Development Services

Cleveland Heights Block 13 Card 1

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 13 CARD 1.tif O~I ~ a.,o-r1ti75-L7~ CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 13 CARD #1 E 50' Lots 11-12- DENIED permit to A.F. Kessl ing to alter exist duplex to triplex, 130 W. Walnut Res. No. 4054 8/10/49. W 80' of Lots 11-12- DENIED permission to Albert H. & Noma Kessling to convert an existing residence structure now having 6 kitchens to a 4-family apt bldg, at 3501 Front St Res. No. 9213 10/14/55 Appeal DENIED on Res. 9213 ABOVE Albert & NOma Kessling & Bd of Z.A. dee. sustained Res. No. CCl30234 12/15/55 Lot 23- Pel'llit to.TOian Veap Botcbev to coutr an 8-unlt apt bldg vltb (l) Pour (Ji,) parking apace in front to be 3' back ot an property line {9' 8.W. Hi.back) aad 13' from aev curb liDe vbere opea parki.Dg in front 1a req to be 18 1 from face ot curb; (2) Jlalcoo.le to oba 13' rear yarc1, vtaere 15' 1 req at 3588 J'irat Ave betv Walnut an4 Brooke Ave., Zeme -4. conc11. c-10528 6-11-n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. 50' Lots 11 & 12- Permit to yard on the easterly side only. 12-8-78. James C. Kennerly to const a four-unit apt obs 5,6 1 side Condition. 130-34 W. Walnut Avenue. C-15695 NH. Zone R-3, Lots 19- 22- Permit was considered by A2A to ALL VALLEY FINANCIAL CORPORATION to (1) maintain a 6 1 X 43' awning to observe a 0 1-611 front yard where 15' is required; (2)maintain two,!,- 1 X 25' (JOO sq. ft,) temporary "Now Sel 1 ing" banners in addition to a 32 sq. ft. ground sign where 160 sq. ft. is the maximum permitted to advertise a premises for sale for the first time; and (3) maintain models, sales off+ce and accessory signs closer than 200 1 to occupied dwelling not in the same subdivision, at 3560 and 3570 First Avenue, Zone R-3A. DECISION: DENIED Items 1 and 2; but APPROVED Item 3. Conditions. C-17790 10-22-82