Cleveland Heights Block 13 Card 2
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 13 CARD 2.tif CLEVELAND HE 1GHrs sLocK 13 ooow.1 S o>.Jo..,,,, cARD #2 '"' Lots 15 & 16- Permit to First Avenue Income Group Limited to construct apartment building to observe a 17'front yard on First Avenue where a 15' front yard plus a 9' street widening setback is required on Lot 16, & APPROVED a 21' front yard where a 15' front yard & a maximum 13'street widening setback is required on Lot 15; and 900 sq. ft. of landscaping where 1,500 sq. ft. is required, subj to conds, at 3520/3528 First Ave., Zone R-600, Map #621. C-19154 4/11/86--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 5 & 6- Planning Commission GRANTED CUP to MARC D. LEWKOWICZ, to use a historical residence for psychological offices locared on the east side of Front Street, betw. Walnut Avenue and Brooks Avenue, R-1000 Zone, CUP 86-0732 11/20/86--------------------~-----------------------------------------Lot 7, Fence Variance was approved by SCA; GARY JONES sought a variance to maintain an 8'-5" high combination solid and open fence, currently in violation, where 9' is the maximum height allowed provided the top 3' is open in compliance with the design criteria in the side yard setback at 3545 Front Street, MR-1000 Zone C-21421 11-15-96