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Development Services

Cleveland Heights Block 2

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 2.tif CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 2 ooot.~ l S ~ 10-1117 Lvt 13- Permit to Harry J. Brown to const sol id concrete wall along west & side of proper 6 1 to 14 1 in height with 3' chain 1 ink fence on top, area on filled on completion (max of 6 1 high permitted) 38io Albatross St. R-4 north f prop to be/ Case #3481 7/20/60 Lot 14- Permit to Jerlll!Tle A. & Margaret Belleau to replace exist foyer with new foyer and add a porch and bath to exist nonconforming sing fam dwell which now obs 3-5' front yd with eave overhang obs 1.5' front yd; replacement and addn to obs 3.5' front yd with eave overhang obs 1.5' front yd where 15' is req, at 3838 Albatross St. betw University Ave. and Robinson Ave., Zone R-4, coad'l AMENDED 4/4/68 Case #8473 12/18/67 ' '' ~