Cliffside Card 3
CLIFFSIDE CARD 3.tif CLIFFSIDE ~ cARD #3 Lot 17- Permit to Willy & Jutta Barterer to constr second story addn with bar sink in~, family room at 5528 Chelsea Ave. Zone R-l-5. AGREE #2039 3-10-75------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 22- Permit to Wa;yne B. & Wanda Johnson to constr sin fam dwell w/ rough in bar sink in un fin rm on lower lev at 5567 Ce.lumet Ave Zone Rl-5-----------------------------------------------~~-~2-----------------~=g::r______ ~--Lot 21- Permit to Jayco Development Co., Inc. to (I) main a 6 1 block retaining wall obs a I' setback on Forward Street; and (2) to erect additional 4 1 high block ret wall obs a I' sb_on_Forward_Street.__ 5575_Calumet_Avenue.__ R-1-5_Zone.__ C-14937_M~---2-2-z7._____________ Lot 30- Permit APPROVED by A2A to Mr. & Mrs. Aaron P. Hirth/Mr. & Mrs. Robert Penn to construct a second story addition to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe a 4 1 setback on the street side yard (Midway Street) where 5' is required, and a 7 1 611 front setback on Calumet Avenue where 10 1 is required, at 5503 Calumet Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-16796 NH 6-25-80 Lot 2- Permit APPROVED by A2A to REGINALD and CORNELIA C. E. LUNDELL to construct a 24' X 38' second-story guest quarters addition to an existing single-family home, at 5567 Chelse, Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. CUP 17212 5-8-81