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Development Services

Cliffside Card 5

CLIFFSIDE CARD 5.tif CLIFFSIDE CARD #5 81/ Lot 41- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Coastal Development to PATRICIA J. MCDONALD At, to construct a 400 sq.ft. addition to a single-family residence, to amend a Coastal,..,. Development located at 5514 Calumet Avenue, Map 2799, Rl-5000 Zone. CDP/SCR #89-0962 12-8-89 Lot 20- Coastal Development Permit granted by the Planning Director of the City of San Diego to EARL AND PATRICIA VAN INWEGEN located at 5504 Chelsea Avenue, between Midway & Forward Streets, in the Rl-5000 zone within the La Jolla Community Planning Area. CDP 92-0740 2/17/93 Lot 31- Coastal Development and Sensitive Coastal Resource Permit granted by the Planning Director to JOYCE SNELL AND GARY GRAHN, located at 5578 Calument Street, Zone Rl-5000. CDP/ SCR 90-0712