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Development Services

Clifton Addition Block 7

CLIFTON ADDITION BLOCK 7.tif CLIFTON ADDITION Lots 21-28 incl- Permit Nursing Home, with Ob\337? ~08-l7.!") BLOCK 7 to Henry & Katherine Claflin to build an add to & maximum of 5 ambulatory patients at 3022 45th St Res 1193 11 /23/45 1.// operate- Lots 21-28 incl- Permit to Henry & Katherineto construct an addition to the exist Nursing Home at 3022 45th with a maximum of 15 patients Res 1680 8/1/46 Lots 21-28 incl- Permit to Henry and Katherine Claflin to const an add to exist bldg at 3022 45th St & to operas a hospital, full time, with max of 40 beds; req SB to be maintained Res 1801 10/10/46 Lots 21-28 incl- DENIED permit to constr. bldg at 3022 45th St with no SB Res. 1 802 1 0/1 0/46 Lots 21-30 (Lots 7-9, por & all Lots 10-12, Blk 8)- Permit to W.J. Bauer to const & operate 53-bed convalescent home in new~ remodeled structures on prop lying on both sides of 45th St betw Quince & Redwood Sts, presently oper under Res.1801 R-C & R-2 Zones C.U.P. Case 3697 12/30/60 6 mos. ext to expire 1/11/62 granted Wm J Bauer Case 3697 6/21/61 6 mos ext to expire 6/6/62 granted to WM J Bauer Case 3697 1/9/62 See Agreement to A~OVE Case No 3697- Agreement No. 1152 dated 1/15/62 Lots 30-40 incl- Permit to Wm J Bauer to const & operate a 50-bed add to an exist convalescent home (perm by C.U.P. No, 3697) located on the W side of 45th betw Quince & Redwood Sts, Zone R-C. cond'I Case No. 5544 4/15/63 6 mos ext to exp 4/15/64