Clifton Addition Block 8
CLIFTON ADDITION BLOCK 8.tif CLIFTON ADDllKlN CX> l!~7 s ~-f73'1BLOCK 8.t,,:S-~ Lots 7-9 por & all Lots 10-12, & (Lots 21-30, Blk 7)- Permit to Wm J Bauer to cons. & operate 53-bed convalescent home in new & remodeled structures on prop lying on b sides of 45th St betw Quince & Redwood sTs, presently oper under Res 1801 R-C & R-2 Zones C,U.P. Case 3697 12/30/60 6 mos ext to expire 1/11/62 Lot 12 exc N 10' and all of Lots 13-15- Permit to William J Bauer build as permitted in R-2 zone with 90' frontage on 45th St Zone R-2 S-699 1/16/62 Por of Lots 7-9 incl & all of Lots 10 & 11 & the N 10' of Lot 12- Permit to Wm J Bauer & Mildred Bauer to use property as permitted by C-3697 with 115.6' frontage on 45th St Zone R-2 S-700 1/16/62 Lots 30-40 incl- Permit to Wm. J. Bauer to const & operate a 50 =bed addn to an exist convalescent home (perm by C. U.P. No. 3697) located on tne w side of 45tn betw Quince and Redwood Sts, Zone R-c cond 'l C'-5544 4-15-63 6 mos ext to exp 4-15-64----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------