Clifton Addition To City Heights Block 6 Card 1
CLIFTON ADDITION TO CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif CLIFTON'S ADDITION TO CITY HEIGHTS Block 6 CARD #1 Lots 19 & 20- Permit to David A. Stephenson & Geary Robertson, at 44th & Quince, Zon. R-3, to constr a 3-story 7-unlt apt bldg. (1) to obs 51 Interior side yd where 71 Is req; (2) to provide a 97' driveway on Quince St. where 25' ls max perm and (3) eliminate landscaping where the 10' street side yard Is req to be landscaped. Condit.-~-:\;t,-3.l~lCf________________________________ c-16086_______ a113/79____, Lots 19 and 20- Permit APPROVED by ZA to DAVID A. STEPHENSON AND GEARY ROBERTSON to construct a three-story, seven-unit papartment building to: (I) observe a 5' interior side yard where 7' is required; (2) observe a 17 1-611 rear yard from center I ine of the alley for the building and 10' for the stairs where 18 1 is required; (3) provide a 97'-611 wide driveway on Quince Street where 25 1 is the maximum permitted; and (4) provide 85 sq. ft, of landscaping on Quince Street where a minimum of 440 sq. ft. is required, located at the northeast corner of 44th and Quince Streets, Zone R-3. Conditions.-4,/ cy u~..z. S'-;.zG- Ks c-17936 2-25-83 Lots 19 & 20- Permit is granted by the Planning Director to Davis Stephenson to construct a 2,320 sq. ft., single-family residence,located on the N. side of Quince St. between 44th & Highland Avenue, with a 611 street side yard setback. MR-1500 Zone~&Rl-40,000 (HR) Zone, HR #91-0704 8/5/92