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Climax # 12 Card 2

CLIMAX # 12 CARD 2.tif CLIMAX tJNlT #12 \ ooS.3 c/2..- eo.s z,z-,,-s- Lot 1050- Per,init to Albert and Anna Palasnick to erect 100' of solid wood obs a O' setback on Mulvaney Dr wnere a max 3' high fence is perm in a 10' at 8675 Hudson Dr, SE cor Mulvaney Dr and Hudson Dr, Zone R-1-5. CARD #2 fence 6 1 high estab setbac)J., C-10443 N.H. 4-14-n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1073- Permit to William R. & Mildred R, Hall recreation room addn to exist sin fam dwell with bar sink in recreation room at 6962 Lalley Lane. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1855 5-21-73 Lot 1083- Permit DENIED by A2A to THOMAS J. & JOANNA WIECHERT to maintain 70' of retain-; ng wa 11 ranging in height from 3 1 to 3' 211 with a 6' high wood fence on top thereof and additional 20' of 6 1 wood fence observing a O' setback on Highwood Drive where maximum 3' high fence is permitted in established 10' setback, at 6912 Coleshill Drive, Zone R-1-5. C-16955 NH 9-18-80 BZA- APPEAL DENIED, but two, 10' long, 5' high solid fences perpendicular to Highwood Drive have been APPROVED, as shown on plans labeled Exhibit "A". Condition. 11-7-80, but APPROVED maintenance of 0' f re to 3'-2" with a maximum 3' high sol id fence on top thereof, solid fences perpendicular to Highwood Drive. Conditions. 8-4-81 Ji