Climax # 14a Card 1
CLIMAX # 14A CARD 1.tif cx:gwymBO. lit-A oo.S:,-,f"-00..s..ZS-/7G.f. ~#1 Lot 1104- Permit DENIED to Jonathan M. & Norma B. Swatzell to move 42' of exist 51 high re!iwood fence present]3 obs 151 SB est.ab on Acui'i' Dr. to within 5' of prop line on Acuff Dr., where a J' high f'ence is perm, at 7394 Ballinger Ave., betw Acuff Dr. & Cowles Mt. Blvd., Zone R-l-5. Case No. 8584 J-25-68----------------------------------------------------------------... Lot i115- Z.A. considered app 0 Frances E. & Janice Jackson to complete const of approx 80 1 bf solid blk wall obs 0 1 3B varying in ht from 27" to ')6 11 with blk columns varying in ht from 57" to 67 11 with 30" open wrought iron fence inserted betw columns for a total ht varying from 57" to 67 11 where a 3 1 high fence is perm in estab 15' SB, and has DENIED the app as requested but AfPROVED wall without columns obs 0 1 0b and ht of wall with cap to be approx 38" high, Cond'l, at 7272 Ballinger Ave, Zone R-1-5, Case No. 8710 N.H. 6-lJ-68 Lot 1128- Permit DENIED to James & Carole Pastoor to install approx 35 1 oi' 2' high plastic panels on top oi' exist 3 1 high grapestake fence for a total height of 5 1; fence obs 10' SB, where a 3 1 high fence is perm in estab 15e SB, on Acuff Dr., at 7457 Cowles Mt. Blvd., SE cor Acuff' Dr. & Cowles Mt. Blvd., Zone R-l-5. Case No. 8863 N.H. 8-27-68----------------------------------------------------------Lot 1124- Permit to Donald & Alice Knoll to add 500 sq. ft. gar and 94.5 sq.ft. entry hall (594.5 sq. ft.) to exist sin fam dwell; addn to result in 4~ cov where max 4~ is perm at 1 7417 Cowles Mt. Blvd. betw Acuff Dr & Regner Rd. Zone R-1-5, Cond'l, C-12111 N.H. 7-24-73 Lo t-1109 - Permit- to- M ichae 1 E.- &- Bea Mojeck- to- i nsta I I-a-bar- sink a t-73lili-Ba 11 i nger-Ave:-- ~9MLJ22ia: l,.24,. 78.,..,....._"."T'T'T'...............................................,......................... ~....--:------~---~-............ ~