Climax # 15 Card 1
CLIMAX # 15 CARD 1.tif CLIMAX #15 ~~z.-1,,~ CARD Ill Lots 1324 1325 1326 1327, 1328- Permit to Nash Associates to erect and maintain for a period not to e~ceed ~ne yr five model h&mes- one on each lot, with tract sales office in garage on Lot 1328; with 1 signs as defined and limited for subdivision use in Section 101.0407; dewllings in other subdivisions; in the 6800 block Wallsey Dr., Zone R-1-5, condl 1 yr. e!'j~ 82[1) 5-12-68 (5-8-67)_,\ Case No. 7707 /',---c,, ~ 5-J,f;:-66 j ~- ~~.!f:.:J.:J..-:..(-~_(Q.::=t..~'ff+-------------,._-.J,d..::i6..1:;_~'L=.-I.1a.J:&..,._)__________ Lo~s 1307 & 1,308- Pei'm:it to Nash Asscoiates to erect apprGX 92 1 of solid block wall va:r,- ' ing in height from 11611 to 6 1811, enci,oaching 15 1 into est 15 1 SB on W&l.kden Lane where a. 3 1 high fence is permitted, at 8700 Block Walkden Lane betw Wallsey Dr. & Verlane Dr., Zone R-1-5, Cond1l. Case No. 7835 (M.H.) 8-11-66,,------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 1329 & 1330- Permit to American Housinz Guild, Norton Development Co. to complete cons1 of two sin.,; farn dwells and use as model homes with sales office in 6ar on Lot 1330- with signs as defined and limited for subd use as in Sec. 101.0407 for a period of time to exp 5-12-68, on W side \'Jallsey Dr. at Walkden Lane,:Gene R-l--5, Cond 11. / nl.+ +. oJ.m,-, /".- 7 \ Casel,o. 8J01N.S. 8-21-67-;:;/f:3~-4-:f;;--~r-;rrt:,..N!~+7s:t;;-t~-='t=ki&_r------------------------------------