Climax # 18 Card 2
CLIMAX # 18 CARD 2.tif CLIMAX, UNIT NO. 18 00.s-9 7f- 00 S 2.3'-/-116~ Lot 1496- Z.A. considered appl of Arnold w. Barden to erect approx 72' of solid wood fence, 61 high, obs O' st sideyd on Turnbridge Way, where a max 3' hi fence is perm in a 10' st side yard at 8808 Tomm..v Court betw Turnbridge Way and end of cul-de-sac in R-1-5 Zone and has DENIED as req but A'PPROVED the erection of a solid wood fence 5' high. C-10285 N.H. 1-8-71 I