Climax # 2
CLIMAX # 2.tif CLIMAX NO, 2 OO"l'{z.11..oo S Ua..-1,'63 ~ Lots 171-173 incl- Permit to Am Housing Guild Sales Corp to complete const of sing fam res on each lot & use same for model homes, with I sing faced unlighted 2'x3' model identifying sign on each lot, & use gar on Lot 173 for tract sales office sign all to advertise homes for sale in Climax, a new subd & all to be maintained for a period not to excd 1 yr, where max 8 sq ft sign advert premises for sale is perm, Lots 171-173 Climax #2' Lot 1, Climax #1, NW cor Navajo Rd & Bisby Lake Ave R-1 condl I yr ext to exp 11/1/65 (2/1/65) Case No. 6056 10/15/63 Lots 171-173- Perm EXTENSION OF TIME to ABOVE to expire 11/1/66 (C-6056) 10/26/65 Lot 170- bar sink A-1320 5/5/64 Lot 173- AGREEMENT #1256- Amer Housing- bar sink, 8487 Tommy Dr. 6/28/63 Lot 209- Permit DENIED to David W & Nelda Decker to maintain 4 1 of 8 1 high solid fence in east side yd where a max 6 1 high fence is perm, at 8328 Hudson Dr betw Boulder ~ake Ave & Bisby Lake Ave, Zone R-1-5 Case No 8201NH 7/7/67 ABOVE Case No. 8201 APPEALED and DENIED and decision of Z.A. is sustained and affirmed Case No 8201 9/8/67 2.