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Development Services

Climax # 20 Card 2

CLIMAX # 20 CARD 2.tif-:;.;,.w,,, ".. ~. CLIMAX UBI1' #20 CARD #2 Lot 1611- Permit to American Housing Guild-San Diego to erect 58 1 of retaining wall ranging in ht from 1'4" to 7'4" obs O' street sideyd, where 10' is req & max 3' wall is perm at 6990 Mewall Dr. at the SW cor of its intersection with Mulvaney Dr., Zone R-1-5. C-9710 NH 1-27-70 Lot 1664- Permit to American Housing-GuIIa;-owner;-&-Associatea-stuaents-af-Gr0ssmoat___ College, Inc. purcnaser, to use exist. single fam. dwell. as a day care center five & a nalf days a wk. from 7:00a.m. to 10:00 p.m. five days and from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 plm. on tne sixtn day for approx. 100 cnildren a day, max. any one time would be 34, ages 2 to 6, wnere single fam. dwell. only are permitted at 8926 j{;snwood Dr. ftf:~~-g~~- to Title Inaurance Trust 1:~; Qr ad Ol'all8IIODt College A~nte, Ltd, Purcb to provide parking tor student bOUBiDC apartment. 1D. a4Jacent lot in ttle C1ty of El Cajon, at tile SE cor ot Bi3bvood nr and Groanont College J> r. Zou R-l-5. c-10785 10-i.-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1661- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to KENNETH & BENNIE O'BRIEN to construct a 10'-0" X 15'-6" (155 sq. ft.) 1 iving room extension observing at the closest point an 8 1-811 street side yard on Highwgod Drive where 10' is required. Condition. i-ocfrTeP ffT 10~1 f(\&u-.)f)r\,\:l)f <.,\1:. C-17808 NH 10-27-82