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Climax # 4 Card 2

CLIMAX # 4 CARD 2.tif CLIMAX UNIT N0,4 CARD #'2 Lot 355- Permit to Ole J & Lorraine V Sonsteng to const a gar with one cor encr into est 12' SB on Bardonia St at 67a4 Bardonia betw Whelan Dr and Renkrib Ave Zone R-1-5 cond'I Case 7755 7/8/66 Lot 377- Permit to Donald E & Shirley A Peterson to erect retaining wall, ranging in height from 2' on Mineral Dr to a max 5 1 611 hi on Whelan Dr, obs 0' SB, and to erect 4' hi solid wood fence obs 30" SB from Whe 1 and Dr where max 3' high retaining wa 11 with 3' hi open fence above is perm in estab SB on both sts, at 6702 Mineral Dr, betw Whelan & Bardonia Zone R-1-5 1 cond'I Case No 8811 NH 8/23/68 Lot 375- Permit to Donald & Patricia La.barge for perm to erect 66 1 of solid blk. retaining wall ranging in height from 2 1 to 41 4" wall to obs 0 1 front yd where max 3' high wall is perm in estab. 12' front yd, at 6718 Mineral Dr. betwn. Whelan Dr. and Renkrib Ave. Zone R-1-5, C-11912 4-11-73 outside Lot# 371 AGREEMENT to construct second ttory master bedroom addition with bath access above garage attached to existing single-family dwelling. JOHN AND ANNA Zone R-1-5 Agree.#3127 Lot 382, Map #4528- Agreement with Joseph and Tina Stella to construct a master bedroom and bathroom addition with outside access to a single- family dwelling. Addition to be accessed from an existing hallway off the living room. 6727 Mineral Drive, Zone R-1-5000 A-3781 07-29-87 and KARAVAS