Climax # 7
CLIMAX # 7.tif CLIMAX No: 7 CJO c/9f 2-- 60 S 2.3(/- I 7 ~3 Lot 603- Permit to Wilmer D & Jolene J Sanger to erect 5' high retaining wall obs. SB on coleshi 11 Dr where 12 1 SB is estab., At 7067 Renkrib Ave betw SE cor Renk~~oo7/6-i Ave between SE corner Renkrib Ave & Coleshill Dr, Zone R-1-5, cond'l Case 6494 ';'i'18/E)'ri/ Lot 590- Permit to Stephen & Martha Moore at 6972 Renkrlb Ave., Zone R-1-5, to maintain fireplace obs 10' front yard where 12' is est. Condit. ""'._ o-~A~_t r; c-16076 6/8/79 ~~-~-~ g~-_i9______________________________________________________ JI