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Development Services

College Ave. Baptist Subd. # 1

COLLEGE AVE. BAPTIST SUBD. # 1.tif COLLEGE AVENUE BAPTIST SUBDIVISION :ti-. I 2. Lot 1- SIGN CODE ADMINISTRATOR APPROVED request for AMENDMENT by COLLEGE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH TO construct new church addn,, max, height 43 16t 1 exclusive of roofs and steeple which max. 30'high bldg. is permitted, subsequently amended to include construction of one 12 sq. ft., 5'high sign directing the public to the preschool and one 1 sq ft., 30'high sign directing the public to the administrative office, both signs to observe a 5' setback from College avenue; the applicant requests amendment to constr. a 6 1611 x 6 1411 (41 sq. ft.) ground sign observing a 5' front yard setback where 15' is established at 4747 College Avenue, Zone R-3000 and has APPROVED request. C-7091 1/31/86 Parcel 1 (Consolidation of Lot 1)- ZA APPROVED CUP amendment request of COLLEGE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. to include (!)construction of a three-story classroom building, located in the Rl-5000 zone, to serve an existing church where such is permitted by CUP only; and (2) said building resulting in a max. height of 41 1-611 where 30' is the max. height permitted, located at 4747 College Avenue, Rl-5000 Zone, MR-3000 Zone, Mid-City Communities Planned District, One Family Dwelling Rental Regulations Overlay Zone. Conditions. C-16601 2/28/92