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Development Services

College Ave Tract # 3

COLLEGE AVE TRACT # 3.tif.COLLEGE AVENUE 'mACT #3 7. / l(- / '7 l/ ~ C:> Lot 61 (& Por Lot 19, Rancho Ex-Mission Lands) Permit DENIED to Dr, Joseph P, Zolot, owner of a por of Lot 19 and as purch of Lot 61, and Wm. Comfort, owner of Lot 61,p.nd GJ.en W. Bell lessee at the NE cor of College Ave. & University Ave. in Zone R-2 (Lot 61) and Zone C (a por of Lot 19) C-7437 11-9-65 Lot 61- Permit to Joseph P, Zolot, owner and Glen w. Bell, dba Taco Bell, lessee to develop a parking lot for use in connection with exist restaurant on Lot 19 located in C Zone, immediately adj at NE cor of College & University Avenues (where no commercial parking is perm, on the east side of College Ave., 145' north of University Ave. Zone R-2, Cond'l, C-7602 3~14-66 Lot 66- The z.A. considered the request of Mark and Helena Dixon to (1) constr a 12'-6' x 9' dining room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 6 1-6" front yard where l.5' is req (exist sin fem dwell obs 10') and (2) cover exist 17'-6" x 5' porch and convert to living- room and kitchen extension; exist obs and new will obs 10' front yard where 15' is req, at 6ol 7 Malcolm Dr betw College Ave. and 60th St. Zone R-2 and has DENIED as requested but APPROVED addn across the front of the dwell obs not less than 10 1 front yard SB, Cond'l, Cl2915 1219-74 Appealed to BZA- Appeal DENIED- 2-7-75-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------