College Canyon Park# 1 Card 1
COLLEGE CANYON PARK# 1 CARD 1.tif- COtt.PnE CANYON PARK #1 CARD #1 'J Lot 33- permit to Wilmart Invest to erect & maintain for 1 yr, l postmount unlignt sing face 13 1-611 x 40 1 direc sign (8 sq. ft. permitted), Zone R-1 C-5997 9/20/63-----------------------------------------------~-------------------------------- Lot 33- Permit to Wilmart Investment Co. to maintain exist sign for a period of l yr., one post-mounted, unlighted, single faced 12 1 x.2.4' identifivation sign advertising homes in College Canyon Park (Del Cerro South) for rent, See C-5997, where max 8 sq. ft. sign offering premises for sale or lease is penn, at Mill Peak Road, Genoa St. Ext., R-1-5 Zone, condl. Case No. 7026 3/2/65-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 55- Permit to Gary & Carrie Huckell to constr a rec. room, workshop and dining rm adtn to exist sin fam dwe; exist dwe now obsvs a 10' rear yd and adtn wil.}. obsv a 4 rear yd where 20' if req at 5678 Adobs Falls Place, sw corner Adobe Falls PL and Adobe Falls Rd. Zone R-1-5 c-10700 8-27-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 55- Permit to Gary R. & Carrie J. Huckell to erect approx 105' of ret wall, 5'4" bign obs a 2' front yard along Adobe Falls Road, wtiere a max 3' hign ret wall is perm in the req 15' front yard & obs a 5' SB along Adobe Falls Pl where a max 3' ret wall is perm in the eatab 5' SB line at 5678 Adobe Falls Place at the SW cor of its intersect with Adobe Falla Road. Zone R-1-5. C-11259 B.H. 5-19=72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------