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Development Services

College Gardens # 2

COLLEGE GARDENS # 2.tif COLLEGE GARDENS MO. 2 J?> Lots 66,or 67-.Permit to H. raced unlited sign for 1 yr, to expire 4-20-61 I. & Frances W. Stevens to canst & maintain one 61 x8 1 tlouble-"J advertising subd lots tor sale, N side Montezuma Rd., R-1 C-3317 4-20-60 Lot 49- Permit to above to con~t & maintain one 41 x 81 single-raced unlited sign tor l yr advertising subd lots tor sale, SW cor Hewlett Dr. & College Gardens Ct., R-1 to eXpire 4- 20-61 C-3316 4-20-60 Lot 49- Permit H. I. Stevens to erect 1 1 hi obs 0 1 SB from hewlett Dr. where is penn in tne SB area at 5285 College Lot 50- Permit to Charles R. & Susan Hewlett Dr. at 5292 Stone Ct., N'E cor AMENDED 7-16-65 fence to obs 0 1 SB concrete block free star,dir,g wall varing 10 1 SB is estab on subd map & 3 1hi fence Gardens Ct., Zone R-1, condl C-5325 11-23-62 A. Papert to erect 51 hi wood fence obs 1 1 Stone Ct. & Hewlett Dr. R-1-5 Zone, condl C-7151 5-19-65 from 5' to or wall SB on Lot 44- Permit of AMENDED req of Sangiahnador and Santha Dharmarajan to constr 13'-il" x 32 1-6 11, second story bedroom and bath addition above exist covered patio on lot with exist sin fam dwell, resulting in 47'1, cov where 401, is perm,and obs 18 1 rear yard where 20' is req at 5215 College Gardens Court betw Yerba Anita Way and Hewlett Dr. Zone R-1-5- Cond'l. C-12498 3-28-74