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Development Services

College Grove Annex Card 2

COLLEGE GROVE ANNEX CARD 2.tif COLLEGE GROVE ANNEX Card 1/2 II Lot 1- ZA APPROVED with conditions the Conditional Use Permit sought by D.P. Partnership, owner; Leisure Time Sports, lessee, to sell alcoholic beverages in a bowling center currently under construction, located at 3450 College Avenue, CA zone. C-19969 6-24-88 Lot 1 (Map 4063)- Planned Commercial Development (Amendment to approved PCD 85-0747) by the Planning Director to DAVID MILLER dba/MARKET PLACE AT THE GROVE to renovate and expand the existing College Grove Shopping ctr on west side of College Ave between College Grove Drive and State Hwy 94, in the CA zone. PCD 87-0179 6/5/87