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Development Services

College Park #1 Block 5 Card 1

COLLEGE PARK #1 BLOCK 5 CARD 1.tif COI..LEx;E PARK #1 Block 5 oo?.tCi'7.s 2-zo-,.,'11 card#l 32. IDt 11- Permit to F.dward T. & Lillian c. Hansard to build a residence with a 20'-9" setback. on Cresita Drive. Has. No. 4439 2/8/50 lot 14- Permit to Stanley & Odette Cooper to maintain double sink in family roan on second floor of existing single-family &-.elling. Zoned R-1-5, located at 4922 Cresita Dr. Agree #1963 6/5/74 I.ot 5- Permit to Barbara J. & Maxine ~d, III, and Tresa w. & Henry P. furse Jr. to construct a single-family &-.elling 38' high in the 4900 block of Cresita Drive in the R-1-5 zone. C-14515 8/30/77 lot 1- Permit APPWJED by Zoning Administrator to 'lhornas J. & Lyladez I. Coffman to renodel and maintain a single-family &-.elling to observe a 1' interior side yard with an eave over- hang observing a 6" interior side yard on the south side mere 4' and 1'6" is required, & maintain a 9.5' rear yard where 20' is required at 5020 College Ave., Zoned R-1-5. C-16654N.H. 4/11/80 I.ot 7- Agreerrent to Vida L. M.Jller to construct a bedroom and bathrcx:rn addition to the rear of an existing single-family &-.elling, located at 4968 Cresita Drive, Zoned R-1-5. Agree. #2930 5/18/90