College Park #3 Block 18 Card 2
COLLEGE PARK #3 BLOCK 18 CARD 2.tif COLLEtE PARK UNIT NO. 3 BLOCK 18 '2 o- It '-I 5.....-..-If(# l CARD #2 Lots 22 & 23- Permit to A.C. AMANTEA to construct 3-story, 20 condominium units (1) to provid1 2 parking spaces and portion of 9 tandem spaces on site with 19 required spaces (including tandem) on adjacent lot to the east (CUP 17180); (2) to observe 0' side yard on east where 7' is required, at 5540-5554 Lindo Paseo, Zone R-4. C-17181 TABLED Lot 21- AGREEMENT WITH J.F. Oliver to construct second-story family room and bath with outside entrance at5566 Lindo Paseo, Zone Rl-5000 AGREEMENT 3232 2/6/85