College Ranch#2 Card 1
COLLEGE RANCH#2 CARD 1.tif r f. epr.tEGE RAICH:RO!_ 2 t Lota 300,)CB., 302, 303, 304, P81'1dt to Lake Coantry Ccmat.ruction Co. te iDt&in 5 CARD II I 55 ' I sod.el hollea, each with 2' x 2' sign, with sal.ea ott 1n gar. on Let 303, with_ 2' x 3 sign & 3' x 6 1 directional sign Oil Lot.302, 6.300 Lak:~Arago, Zone R-1! tor of 1 yr. to expire 2-18-60. Cue 2286 2-6-59 V.------------------------------------------- ' JLot 365- Pennit to Richard H. & Doris A. Austin to maintain existing patio open on 3 sides ~ttached to existing dwelling with direct access thereto; patio obs 11' rear yd where 20' is req at 6386 Lake Ariana Ave. between Lake Murray Blvd. & Lake Angela Dr, Zone R-1. CASE #5151 9/4/62 Lot 245- Cond'l permit to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B. Frantz, Fr. to maintain exis enclosed patio attached to rear of exdistL1g dwelling with direct access there to, patio obs 12 1 rear yd w.1ere 20 1 is req,. at 6395 Lake Aral Dr., Zone R-1. AGREEMERT #1220- 1/4/63 Uase No. 5373 12,.20,r62 Lot- 2.33-_ Pe~ to Do~ald R.-Lo~- t; ~v; bedi-o~ fr;m-624 Wa;~ton-St. to-6296 Wee--- Aral. HM #4195 3-4-64------------------------------------------Lot 384- Permit t.o Edwin G. & Coral F. Brown to const fam room & bedroom addn to rear of exist dwell., addn to obs 16'9" rear yd where 201 rear yd is req., at 6291 Lake Ariana Ave. betw Lake Angella Dr. & Lake Atlin Ave., Zone R-1-5., Cond1l. Case No. 8150 N.H. 5-18-67------------------ Lot 289- Request by Rudolph & Lucille Jaurez to construct 25 1 x 16 bdrm addn to exist sing fam dwell; addn to obs 6 16" rear yd where 20, is req DENIED C-8940 10-30-68