College Valley Card 1
COLLEGE VALLEY CARD 1.tif f r I! ' COLLEGE VALLEY CARD 1/1. lc,'I Lots 30, 31 & 32- Permit to A.M.T. Development Co. to const sing ram res on each lot, home on Lot 32 to be used as sales office and homes on Lots 30 & Jl to be used as model homes; all for new subd, College Valley, located closer than 200 1 from exist occupied dwellings not of the same unit. All signs to comply with exist regulations, on Maisel Way, Ely of 54th St., Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 6405 3-26-64---------------------------------------------------------------------,c-----Lot 32- Permit to A.M.T. Development Co. to maintain 51 hi fence obs. 101 to ll1-on SB NE cor 54th & Maisel Way, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 6553 6-12-64----------------------------------------------------------------