College Vista Map 3226 Card 2
COLLEGE VISTA MAP 3226 CARD 2.tif COLLE:GE VISTA, MAP #3226 [zo-l'lSI Lot 1- AZ considered amended request of COLLEGE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO to use 1) portior of residentially zoned lot as a parking facility for San Diego State University (Pprk & Ride location for shuttle service). Existing property is used for College Lutheran Church and Hebrew Day School; 2) parking facility to result in 1,770 sq. ft. of landscaping in 15' established setback on Montezuma Rd. where 5,715 sq. ft. of landscaping is reqd; & 3) to erect 6 1 chain link fence in established 15 1 setback on Montezuma Rd. where max. 3 1 fence is permitted in established 15 1 setback at 6650 Montezuma Rd., Zone R-300 Y had DENIED as requested, but APPROVED #1, subj to conds.,__,--, C-18729 3/22/85