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Development Services

Collegiate Park #2 Card 1

COLLEGIATE PARK #2 CARD 1.tif COLLEG:tmE PARK NO. 2 005~1 c, S 2-55- lro3 Lot 4- Permit to City of San Diego, Owner and The Presbytery of Los Angeles, Purcn to f~ install a complete cnurcn plant including 500 seat sanctuary, classrooms and accessory facilities; neight limits as follows:_11.LSanctuary approx 50' nigh (2) Bell Tower approx 70' high (3) Cross approx 100' high;(Sign)> f 1811 hign raised aluminum letters approx 24' in length {wall-mounted); on NW cor or-Genesee Ave. & Miramar St., where sin fam dwell, parks, playgrounds are perm, Zone Rl-5, Cond'l. C-7742 6-24-66 l yr ext to exp 6-24-68 (5-8-67) 1 yr ext to exp 6-24-69 {4-5-68) 1 yr ext to exp 6-24-70 (5-19-69) 1 yr ext to exp 6-24-71 (6-5-70) 1 yr ext to exp 6-24-72 (6-2-71) l yr ext to exp 6-24-73 (6-12-72) 1 yr ext to exp 6-24-74 (5-21-73) (corporate name now changed to SYNOD OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Purch)____ ('lJ: