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Development Services

Collwood #1 Card 1

COLLWOOD #1 CARD 1.tif COW:OOD'UNIT NO. l CARD ffl ~ Lot 150- C. G. & Alice Henderson DENIED permit to cow.,truct a residence with 16' rear yd 4861 Austin St. Hes. 2667 11-19-47 Lot 157- Permit to E. A. Ries to move res & gar from 5240 El Cajon to 4831 Austin Dr. HM Res 483 5-10-49 Lots 114-116- Cond permit to Collwood Const Co. to div into 2 parcels & canst sin fam res on ea, ti'Ely side Atlanta Dr.. Res. 4458 2-23-50 Lots 185-193- Pernd.t to Collwood Const Co to canst gar 5' SB & res over gar, 15 1 SB, Baylor Dr. N of Collier Res. 4459; 4462; 4481-87 2-23-50 Lots 185-194- Permit to Collwood Const Co. to excavue 8,000 cubic yds 4700 blk Baylor Res. 4480 2-23-50 Sly 20.83 1 Lot 130, all Lot 129- Permit to W. B. Watan Const Co. to const sin fam res & att gar, NWly cor Collier & Atlanta Dr. ftes. 4627 4-19-50----- Lot 177- Permit to E. H. Misch to build fence & ratain wall 7-' at rear, 4804 Austin Dr. Res. 4719 5-31-50 Lot 209- Permit to Lt. Walter A. Hidde to construct 10 1 x 18 1 hobby shop addn to exist 18'x 20' garage, making total of 540 sq ft with 18" sideyd & 811 rearyd. 5355 Collier Ave. Res. 5625 6-27-51