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Collwood #1 Card 3

COLLWOOD #1 CARD 3.tif COLLWOO~UNIT NO . l $ Card #J Lots 68-69- Permit to Martha N. & Frs.nk F. side of AdelpLi Pl. north e:f Collier 3t. Hearold to res & att gar witi: 51 SB on E Res. 8482 9-28-54 Lotl26- Permit to Barbara H. Carson to const pergola addn with opeu egg-crate type roof, witt 31 side yd, at 4733 Altanta Dr. Res. 8669 4-27-55 Ely 7' Lot 96 all Lot 95- Permit to Julia Hull.Schilling to maiut. exist sin fam res & accessory bldgs on Augustana Pl. S-285 2-l4-55 Lot 96, exc Ely 7' & Lot 97 exc l'lly 15'- fermit to B. Fredman to const sin 1'am res & acessory bldgs S-286 2-10-55 Lot 98 & NiJly 15 1 of Lot 97- Permit to Albert J. 1-iekuchonis to exist sin fa.a. res & accessory bldgs S-287 2-11-55 Lot 163- Adib & Frieda Hajj DENIED per w~ & no signs, Rgl Zone req_ to teach piano at 4731 Au:c,tin Dr. with rr,ax oi 20 hrs C-2416 4-3-59 Lot 139- Permit to Donald G. & Myrtle Clark to const &am rm add toexist sin fam res, addn to obs 16 1 rear yd (20' req) at 4822 Atlanta Dr., 2o;.e R-l. Case 3304 4-13-60 Lot l.75- Permit to Francis C. & Catherine G. Le Ribous to canst enclosed patio addn 15' x 16 1 with no direct access to dwell.; addn to obs 18 1 re r yd (20 1 req) 4750 Austin Dr. R-1 C-4342 N.H. 8-23-61