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Development Services

Collwood Park #2 Card 3

COLLWOOD PARK #2 CARD 3.tif,/ coiiwoon PARK #2 Lots 177, 178- Permit to Gamma Phi Beta Sorority House Alumni Assoc. to remove exist. duplex on Lot 178 & to const approx 4,540 sq.ft. addn (incl both 1st & 2nd floors) to the existing sororityahouse on E 37,15' of Lot 176 & all of Lot 177, with the addn to extend onto Lot 178; addn to obs a 10' rear yard (where 15' is req); the prop to provide 15 parking spaces (where 16 spares are req); of the 15 parking spaces: a) Seven spaces will obs 0' distance from font prop line & 11' from curb (where 3' from front prop line & 18' from furb line is req); b) 5 spaces in West Parking Ct. will have widths of 81 3# where 8'6" is req); c) Six spaces in East Parking Court will have less than the req 20 1 depth; there will be 2 spaces 19'9" deep; 3 spaces 19'0" deep & one space 18'8" deep. Condl. at 6123 Montezuma Rd. betw Rockford Dr. & El Cajon Blvd, Zone R-4. No. 7238, 7239 7/16/65------------------------------------------------------Lotl83- TABLED application of John Whinchel who requested to develop 4 spaces in front of exist. 4-unit apt. bldg. with 5 exist off-street parking spaxes in front setback to 111 from curb & approx 12" from front prop line where parking must be 181 from curb & 3 1 from ft'ont prop line at 6171 Montezuma Rd betw 63rd & Rockford Dr. Zone R-4. C-7180 9/10/66----------------------------------------------------- Lots 181 & 182- permit to existing 16-unit apt be served by 10 1 access DENIED to Ronald E. Greenberg to const 2-story, 4-unit addn. house; addn to obs 1116ft rear yard (where 15' is req) & to ct. (where 12 1 is req) at 6159-6165 Montezuma Rd. R-4 Zone. C-7326 9/14/65