Collwood Park Card2
COLLWOOD PARK CARD2.tif COLLWOOO PARK Lot 51- Permit to Charles & top of retaining wall 3' in ht Mesita Dr. Bertha Cavesina to erect concrete blk wall 5' in ht on side and rear lot lines, back of SB line; 6102 Res. 5363 3-7-51 Lot 73- Permit to Walter & Margaret Mentze to constr single fam res w/por of residence to have 20 1 rear yd; Pontiac St approx 260 1 E of Rockford Dr. Res. 5888 9-19-51 Lot 73- Ext. of Res. 5888 ABOVE for Walter & Margaret Mentze for 6 mos. Res. 6326 4-2-52----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 73- Ext. of Res. 6326 ABOVE for Walter & Margaret Mentze for 6 mos. Res. 6836 9-17-52 Lot 52- Permit to C. Lala, Owner, & A. R. Wold, Purchaser, to erect single fam res w/10' rear yd; & Agreement #491 to be modified (req 30 1 rear yd)- 90' NEly of Rock- ford Dr. Res. 7816 10-14-53---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 58- Permit to Albert & Bertha Mierlot to erect addn to exist garage w/4 1 side yd where 5' req; 6154 Mesita Dr. Case No. 184 11-10-54 Lots II, 12, & 13- Agreement by Arthur & Dorothy McKee that Lots 11 & W 24' of Lot 12 will be retained in same ownership at all times & not sold separately & that E 31' of Lot 12 and all of Lot 13 will be retained in same ownership at all times and not sold separately. Agreement #493 10-15-47