Collwood Park Note-Agree 493 & 494 On Card 2 & 3 Card 1
COLLWOOD PARK NOTE-AGREE 493 & 494 ON CARD 2 & 3 CARD 1.tif- conditional permit to A.H. McKee to const. a res with a rear yd varying from 5 See Res Res. No. 2 6 10 8 4 Lot 1- Permit, conditional, to A.H. McKee to oonst. a res with a rear yd varying from 5 to 20 1 See Res. No. 2 O 10 8 47 W 25 1 of Lot 7 and all of Lot 77- Milton Haas DENIED permit to const a wall ft. in ht. 6 in front of the setback line, Pontiac St, and Rockford Dr. Res. No. 2696 12/3/47 Lot 3- Permit, condl, to Arthur H. and Dorothy J. McKee to maintain 2 exist const sheds to be used in conj. with the const. of bldgs in Collwood Pk,, Mesita & Pembroke Drives. Res. No. 2873 2/11/48 Lot 3- A.G. McKee DENIED permit to maintain 2 const. sheds to be used in conj. with const. of bld s. in Collwood Pk Mesita and Pembroke Drives. Res. No. 3 2 12 1 48 Lot 1- Arthur H. McKee granted permit to maintain 12 xl tract office for period of mos. Mesita Dr. at Colle e Ave.; no further ext. of time will be anted. Res 358 12 1 48 Lot 11 & W 2 'of Lot 12- Permit to Herman A. & Marjorie E. Biikley to erect a 12 1x2 1 arden shelter with 1 sided at 620 Pembroke Dr. Res. No. 4737 6 14 O E 15 of Lot 95 and all of Lot 9- Permit to Geo. H. and Hilda Andrea Cogswell to erect 1 sing. fam res on parcel not of record at time of zoning on N side of Pontiac St, approx. 13 'E of Rockford Dr. See above description Permit to George H. and Hilda Andrea Cogswell to erect 22'x25' gar. 550 sq ft in area, with 0 1 sideyd and o rearyd. Res. 5325 2/16/51