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Development Services

Colony West #1 Card 1

COLONY WEST #1 CARD 1.tif COLONY WEST NO. oos~, 0 5 Lot 40- Permit to J. Ralph Wiesehan Development corner to obs 16 1 rear yd where 20' rear yd req; Zone R-1; Cond I. Co. to constr Barnhurst Dr, Case No. 6223 CARD # I 31 single fam res, one SWly of Charger Blvd, 1-29-64 Lots 10 & 11- Permit to J. Ralph Wiesehan Development Co., to adjust lot lines betw Lots 10 & II per Plat Map on file; Cannington Dr, SWly of Charger Blvd, Zone R-1; Condi. Case No. 6251 1-29-64 Lots JO, 11, 12, and 13- Permit to J. Ralph Wiesehan Development Co. to constr 4 single fam dwells, one on ea lot, to be used as model homes, w/sales office in garage on lot 10; w/ one 2' x 3' ID sign on ea lot and one 4 1 x 8 1 sign identifying sales office on Lot 10; all to be used in connection w/sale of homes in new subdiv (Colony West Unit #1), for period not to exceed 1 yr; at 4367, 4355, 4343, 4329 Cannington Dr betw Charger Blvd & Charing St where single fam dwell on Lot of Parcel of land of record at time of zoning is perm; Zone R-1; Condl. Case No. 6271 2-14-64 Lot 4- Permit DENIED to Mary Towns Blase to constr 12' x 23' den addn to exist single fam dwell obs 16' rear yd where 20' req; 4443 Cannington Dr betw Charger Blvd & Charing St, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8915 (N.H.) 10-2-68 Aeeealed_-_Z.A._decision_sustained_&_affirmed_(I0-28-68)_______________________________ Lot 11- Permit DENIED to Jack & Eunice Cooper to constr 12' x 30' fam rm addn to exist single fam dwell; addn to obs 16 1 rear yd where 20' req; 4355 Cannington Dr betw Charing St & Castleton Dr, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 10051 {N.H.) 8-17-70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------