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Development Services

Compton Terrace

COMPTON TERRACE.tif COMPTON TERRACE Lot 1- Permit to Lucille Carleson to maintain exist cone blk wall on lot line, max ht of 8 1611 above lowest ground level. Res. 547 4-9-51 Lot 3- Margaret S. & Dr. J. C. Newcomb DENIED to install kitchen unit in basement of exist single fam res, making 2nd living unit on lot for family use & not rental; 8494 Grande, Zone R-1. Por. Lot 1- Permit to Mrs. Margaret Harris Freeman to constr addn to exist single fam res on parcel split after date of original zoning but before 12-5-54, where single fam dwell on lot of record at time of zoning is perm; per legal description on file, 8486 El Paseo Grande, Zone R-1. Case No. 5547 3-28-63 Lot 1- Margaret Harris Freeman to constr bedrm & bath addn to exist detach garage for chauffers quarters; 8486 El Paseo Grande. A-1119 1-11-61 For Lot 1 = Permit to Dr. & Mrs. Iqtton Smith to constr addn to sin fam dwell with bar sink at 8490 El Paseo Grande. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1900 10-25-73-----~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------