Congress Heights #2 Block B
CONGRESS HEIGHTS #2 BLOCK B.tif CONGRESS HEIGHTS NO. 2 BLOCK B r; Lot 9- Permit to Adare F. McAllister to install bathrm in approx 180 sq ft sleeping rm contained in 855 sq ft accessory bldg which obs 0' side yd & 15' rear yd from center of alley; addn to result in no change to exist yds; where 25' rear yd & 4 1 side yd req; 1267 Emerald St, Zone R-1; Condi. (See Agreement No. 1199) Case No. 5066 7-9-62 Lot 2- Permit to Paul Asbury to cons bedrm, bath & fam rm addn with bar sink, l211 Emerald Street, Zone R-1-5 AGREE #2162 5-24-76