Congress Heights Addn. Card 4
CONGRESS HEIGHTS ADDN. CARD 4.tif COICIUSS HEIGHTS AriniT:iON 6 o I "2") 5-z_ ~y- 'b 9 ~ CARD #4 Jwt 101- Appeal of Frederick R. Jaeger on Case #1733 (12'' side yd) DENIED and S.A. declJ ' upheld 4-23-58 p-------wt 122- & Lot 123- Permit to Rich L. & Helen P. Tyner to const garage obs 5' SB from Malden St. (av of bl 35'0" req) at 1716 Collingwood Dr., Zone R-l C-2173 12-11-58 Lot 159- Permit to Mildred H. Sims DENIED i:o maintain second kitchen used with rumpus 1'oom in exist sing fam res at 1632 Beryl St., R-l; the stove in rumpus rm to be removed immed. & not to use sink & refrigerator in rumpus foom for boarded or lodged within premises. 90 days to reduce occupancy to max of 2 persons in addn to owner. C-3692 ll-25-60 Lot 116- Permit to Patrick B. Maloney to erect 5' bi garden wall 151 SB on Malden St (1625) (denied 51 hi to within 3' of frt prop line)condl C-3722 12-30-60 Lot 112- Z.A. considered app of' Mrs. Bettina I. Kloehr to convert living room of e:x:sit sin tam res to bedrm & bath & add new front entrance, hal.lway & livii:ig room to front of dwell; addn to obs 141 SB on Mal.den St. where 26' is req at 1618 Malden St., betw ColliDgWood Dr. & Jewell St. R-l Zone and has DENIED the req 15' SB, but APPROVED a setback of 15' or not further forward than the face of the gar on the property adj east. C-5761 7-5-63., Lot 116- Permit to Ftk & Virg Maloney to const 61 hi retain wall obs o SB on Collingwood Dr. (35' aver of blk) Zone R-1 at 1625 Malden Dr., condl C-5883 7-31-63