Congress Heights Card 1
CONGRESS HEIGHTS CARD 1.tif?34-lbC?.~ CARD 111 l'-,(l"'-""'..... 1...... H._.,.._,.,.,V--,~-~..... CONGRESS HErCHTS q Let 158- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Crema.ns to (7332) install & maintain an open air parking_space in the front setback of exist sin fa.m res on Beryl St & to build steps up te exist steps for entrance & (7333) to erect a retaining wall, max 6' ta 8' obs from 01 to 22.6 1 SB Beryl St (per plus) where max 3' high fence in aver SB of the blk_JU 30' is permitted at 1624 Beryl St. betw Foethill Blvd. & Jewell St Zone R-1-5. C-7332, C-7333 8/13//65-...--------- ---------------------------------------------- Lot 12i- Permit DENIED to Irene Porath to construct 12 ft. x 25 ft. detached workshop addn to existing sin fam dwell; addn to obs O' front yard on Malden Street where 15 ft. is req, at 4964 Kendall Stree~SE cor Malden Street and Kendall Street, Zone R-1-5. /4_,, C-12,629 6-17-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 109- Permit to Frank & Marjorie Steffen to install bar sink in basement of exist sin fam dwell, 1640 Malden St., Zone R-1-5. AGREE# 2120 11-21-75 Lot 161- Permit DENIED to Glorida & Kenneth Graham at 1648 Beryl St., Zone R-1-5 to sell plants from garage Fri, Sat & Sun betweeen hrs of 11-4:30 with approx 60 c~stomers per week. HO 11582 5/1 /79