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Development Services

Convoy Center

CONVOY CENTER.tif. NVOY cENTER9 c6 S-s:'20 <.; 7 ~~ /) u- f:J..J. t 1- Permit DENIED to Ron Wright, Donald J. Keith & Richard J. Pekin, owners & Irvin Kravitz, lessee ~o erect a sign 4 1 x 10 1 (40 sq. ft.) obs 51 front yd, where,.2"5J is req, encro 5 1 into 101 landscape strip; sign to be placed 45 1 south of the north prop litl(l; overall height of sign to be 22'; at 4383 Convoy St. betw Armour and Othello Sts.; Zone M-lA. Case No. 8058, 3-24-67-~-z----------------------------------------------------------------------~~---------lBOVE Case No. 8058 APPEALED and appeal was DENIED aadcthe decision or the Zoning Adminis= trator was sustained and affirmed., by Boa.rd or Zoning Appeals. Case No. 8058 5-3-67 JLot-~-:-~:~:-~::i~red the:;-~f;~~i~~:it~:-R~~-;;ight:-~-~~;d-Mi;,~:;::;s, to erect a two-panel, two-pole, 158 sq. ft., interior lighted, double-faced, ground ID sign obs 4 1 side yd where 14' is req; edge of sign obs 10 1 front yd, first pole obs 15 1 and second pole obs 23 1 front yd where 25 1 front yd is req; at 4J8j Convoy St., Zone M-lA, and has DEiUED the 4' side yd, but APPROVED a 0 1 side yd; Dl!:NIED 10 1 SB fDr edge of sign and 15 1 SB for first pole, but APPROV~D 15 1 SB for edge of sign and 20 1 SB for first pole. Case No. 8497 12-27-67---------------------------------------------------------------