Corella Tract Block 1 Card 1
CORELLA TRACT BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif...- CORELLA TRACT BLOCK 1 00 Is 11 s l..'2, 1.: 1'1Dr CrutD #1 Lot 8- Permit to Freda A. Switters to move Lstory rm res from 3142 Kettner Blvd. to.i..ehigh Jt., 280 1 NE of Morena Blvd. HM 264 5-26-48 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Roy Cook to div 2 lots res on ea, ea to contain not less t.,1n 650 s Split recorded 5-23-51 at ric,.. t angles into 2 parcels & bld sin am ft, Sl.y ccr of.... ehigh & Tonopah, condl Res. 5375 3-7-51 NWly Lot 1 & 2- Permit to il.oy A. Cook, owner & Floyd Hicks, pure, to erect 20' x 11 14" cone blk gar with l' sideyd & 11 re:Lr yd, Sly cor of Tonopah & Lehigh St. Res. 5605 6-13-51 Lots 35-38 exc ely 55'- Permit to I.l!.. Bramlett to const sin fam res on por of above lots & to obs aver SB of blk, Tonaopah,condl Res. 5697 b-13-51 NWly Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Jack Milner to erect 20' x 14 1 cone blk gar witn 0 1 sideyd & 0' rear yd, 4705 Tonopah St. Res. 6415 4-30-52 Lots 17-19- Permit to F. R. Merchant to move frm bldg from 3016 Polk St. to 1433 Morena bl. HM Res. 1828 12-1-53 Lot 17- Perwit to i-iillard . Heeks, lessee, & Fred Merchant, owner, to oper cabinet repair shop at 1437 Morena Blvd., C condl C-~Oo7 10-10-58 AMENDS to permit use of both sides of bldg, 44' deep x 36 1 wide, condl 6-129} AMEl~DS: Willard i/. i> leeks n no longer partner in business amends, Cond. #4: that pecbple working on rremises be limited to H.. T. Hardin & 4 employees for a total of 5 persons em- ployed. 10-13-59