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Development Services

Cornish Heights Block B

CORNISH HEIGHTS BLOCK B.tif---- CORNISH HEIGH'IS BLOOK B t> o/C(b L.S-z_oeo- u"" q 3 Lot 18- Perruit DENIED to C. M. Harsh, owner ()(Idalene Tilden, pur to split if tto lot into 2 (50 1 parcels fronti,~ on Catalina ilvd. Res. 6435 4-30-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 1- Permit to Gordon Tarbell Waite & Agnes Robertson Waite to install bar sink in por of dwell AGREE#713 3-1-51 Lot #J, AGREEMENT to,construct 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry room & closet to new lower level with outside entrance and deck and stairs to upper level to an existing single family swelling. ROBERT GALLAGHER 1255 Savoy St. R-1-5. 7/2/84 Agree. #3118 Lot 1- ZA has d~cidel'that no Var is needed at J.265 Savoy Stm Map 1962. C-19971 5/16/88 Lot 6- AGREEMENT with Verlyn D & Ethel V Kuhlman to expand an existing basement area in an existing two story SFD, to include a Game room, Hobby room, and 3/4 bath. Located at 1243 Savoy Street in the $1-5000 Zone. A-4466 11-24-89