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Development Services

Coronado Vista

CORONADO VISTA.tif CORONADO VISTA.s 1 Lot 5- Permit to Marvin Herrmann to bid 660 sq ft garage with 15' rearyd, at 620 San Gorgonia St. Res. 5240 1-10-51 Lot 4- Permit to Robt. E. Harris, Jr. to const sing fam res & gar obs 716 11 side.;d & 4 1611 from eaves to prop line (side yd 10% of width of lot is req & eaves permitted max. of 25% into side yd) E side Gage Dr.,~ of Bu.pent St,, R-lC C-1569 12-20-57 Lot 1- Permit to Ra;ymond L. & Jolene Black to const sin fam res obs 6 1311 sideyd on N and 7'6" on the S (10% of width of lot reci for sideyd) at Gage Dr. uet,, Dur:,cnt & Gage Pl. R-lC lone C-2411 4-3-59 Lot 3- Permit to C.P. & Genevieve Sikes to const bedrm & bath addn to sin fam rei, which obs 6 1 side yd (9 1 req) add also obs 6 1,605 Gage Dr. R-lC zone. C-2499 5-8-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3- Permit to Carol Y. Dickinson to const a two-car garage addn to ans exs sfd; addn to obs a 20' front yard. 605 Gage Drive. Zone R-1-10. Condition. C-15243. 7-7-78.