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Development Services

Cosgrove Park Block 2

COSGROVE PARK BLOCK 2.tif ooZ6 I 1 5 l~. Lot 34- Permit DENIED to Raymond G, & Beulah R. maintain exist patio att to gar portion of rea., having 0 1 side yd, where 51 reuired at_.3240 53rd St. R-l C-1464 lO-ll-57 Lot 21- Permit to John or Alice M. Jones at 3346 53rd St. N., Zone R-1-5, to (I) constr 16' x 19' etry and bath addn to exst SFD and maintain 3 assess structures on same lot with total area of 859 sq. ft. to result in 56% cover and addlt to obs II' frtyd; (2) convert exist I-car gar to dining area & kitchen extens and prov no off-str pkg. Condit. C-15800 5/21/79--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------