Country Casual Homes # 2 Card 1
COUNTRY CASUAL HOMES # 2 CARD 1.tif CARb/fl Lota 159, 184-189- Permit to Sam C. Harri & Aaaoc. to uae exiat in fam rea on Lota 184-89 for madel homes with one 18" x 24" unlited model identifying aign on each lot; to conat 400 aq ft temp aales off on Lot 189 ob 0 1 SB from Lake Aahmere Ct; & erect & maint. 4 1 x 161 arrow sign on Lot 159 at top of bank, end of cul de sac, & above interaec Chatham St. & ~ <, F.ast Lake Dr. (lot 159) R-l coDdl C-4044 N.H. 4-20-61 l yr ext to exp 4-20-63 Lot 195- Permit to CountJ'Y Casual Homes to complete const of sin fam res obs 2 eave to prop line on both Ely & Wly side (3 1911 perm) on Lake Ashmere Dr. R-1 Zone C-4525 N.H. 10-24-61 Lot 179- Permit to Alilove obs 2'8" eaves to pr ln on Wly side on Lake Aahmere Dr. R-l. Zone c-4526 N.H. 10-24-61 Lot 211- Permit to Above to obs 2'8" eaves on Lake Aahmere Dr., R-1 Zone Lot 264- Permit Lake Ashmere Dr. Lot 262- Permit C-4507 N.H. 10-24-61 to Above to obs 3'1" eaves to prop ln on Ely side & 2 11!" on Wly side, on C-45o8 N.H. 10-24-61 to above to obs 2 1 511 eaves on Ely side & 2 19" on Wly side on Lake Ashmere C-4509 N.H. 10-24-61 R-1 Zone Lot 261- R-1 Zone Lot 260- Permit to above to obs 3 11" eaves on Ely side & 3'2" on Wly aide on Lake Ashmere E-4510 N.H. 10-24-61 Permit to above to obs 3'2" eaves on both Ely & Wly side, on Lake Ashmere Dr.R-1 C-4511 R.H. 10-24-61 Lot 152- Permit to above to obs 3 17" eaves on lily aide & 1 1 5: on Sly aide on Lake Apopka Pl, R-1 C-4512 R.H. 10-24-61