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Development Services

Country Casual Homes # 2 Card 3

COUNTRY CASUAL HOMES # 2 CARD 3.tif Lot 167- Permit to Country Caaual. Home, a Co-partnshp, owner&. Sam C, int. sin fam res obs 15 1 rear yd (20' req) 6451 Lake Mere Ct. R-l Harris & Assoc. to C-4479 10-27-61 Lots 291-293- Permit to Sam C. Harris & Assoc to adjust lot lines betw sd lots per cert of Surv on file in Plan Office, Lake Apopka Pl betw Lake Ashmere Dr, & Lake Mere Ct, Ext, R-1 c-4564 11-24-61 Lota 254-55 & 295- Permit to Sam C. Harris & Assoc. (Country Caaual. Homes) owner & B & C Leiffer, purchaser to adjust lot li:oea approx a distance of 3' parallel to original. lot lines as shown on plot plan at 6458 Lake Apopka Pla., Zone R-1 C-4796 4-2-62 Lot 180 Z.A. considered appl of Bill R. & Penelope Shaffer to erect 51 hi solid redwood fence on top of baJlk varying from 5' to 3' hi obs 7' 4" SB trom Lake Ashmere Dr. where 12' SB is estab at 6511 Lake Ashmere Ct,, NE cor Lake Ashmere Dr,, Zone R-1 and DENIED the 5' hi fence but APPROVED a; high fence, condl C-5o44 7-11-62 Lot 280- Permit to Marvin W. & Mary F. Brown to exist 6'311 grapestake fence whch obs 8 1 911 SB from Lake Apopka Pl. where 12' SB is eat.ab at 64o6 Lake Mere Ct, intersection Lake Mere Ct. & Lake Apopka Pl, Zone R-1 C-5430 1-24-63