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Development Services

Country Casual Homes Unit # 1 Card 2

COUNTRY CASUAL HOMES UNIT # 1 CARD 2.tif COUNTRY CASUAL HOMES UNIT #1 Lot 121- Permit to F.T. & G. E. Mueller at request to constr a family rm addn to exist 6285 Southlake Ct., Zone R-1-5 for amended SFD; addn to obs 12' rear yard. Condit. C-16146 8/3/79------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 58- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Josephine D. Kemp to maintain approximately 28' of 6 1 high chain link fence observing a 0' setback on Lake Ashmere Drive, where a maximum 3' high fence is permitted in established 12 1 setback, within 50 1 of the front property line, at 6502 East Lake Drive, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-16838 NH 6-25-80 Lot 120- Permit DENIED by ZA to WILLIAM AND JANET BUCK to construct a two-car garage addition (existing garage to be converted); addition to observe a 7' front setback where 12 1 is established, at 6277 South Lake Court, Zone R-1-5. C-17890 1-14-83 Lot 32- AGREEMENT to LYNN PRICE & ARLENE MABRY to constr detached storage room & playhouse on lot with existing SFD at 6387 East Lake Dr., Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #3166 9/21/84 Lot 21- AGREEMENT with GREGG R. & DEBRA L. HAMANN- to constr a bedroom with bath above garage, attached to an existing SFD at 6321 East Lake Drive, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3181 10/23/84